Worship and Music

Every time we relate to God with a right spirit, we can't help responding to His amazing love and grace with our love and gratitude, bowing down in worship, confessing He is our Lord, lifting up our voices in praise and adoration, bending our knees in prayer, listening to His voice with open mind and heart, dedicating our lives in obedience to Him, giving our best to please Him and proclaiming His good news to all the world. Therefore our worship & music ministry focuses on our response to God's love and grace.


WORSHIP is the highest honour we can give to God. It is the highest expression of our love to Him. Worship is central in our Christian life. It is the Lord’s call to every one who confesses that Jesus is Lord. When everything ceases, worship continues to eternity.

Worship is an offering. Let us ascribe to the LORD the glory due His name. Bring an offering and come before Him. His love so amazing demands our best. So let us bring to Him all our service, and all that is most honouring and the best we have. Let us give to Him the offering of our lives!

We serve the Lord in the worship and music ministry, committing our time, energy and musical talents to the glory of God and our corporate worship, serving as worship servants in the following areas:

  1. Service Ministry (Ushering, Communion Assistants)
  2. Choral Ministry
  3. Instrumental Ministry (Strings Ensemble or Wind Ensemble)
  4. Other Ministries (Floral Arrangers, Sound Crew, Drama Group, Worship Resource, etc.)
  5. Project-based Ministry (Rhythm of Praise, Bamboo Praise, etc.)

For more information, please send us an email here: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

© 2020 Wesley Methodist Church