Pledge Letter 2024
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Church Closure - 15 May 2024
Notice on Church Office Closure & Sunday Parking
April Holy Communion 2024
Easter Letter 2024
CNY Letter 2024
CNY 2024 Special Offering
Lent 2024
Click here to download Lent 2024 Devotional
Wesley Methodist Church Closure During Chinese New Year
Worship Services Updates for Chinese New Year and Church Anniversary - February 2024
Last Local Conference | 16 Sep 2023
The Methodist Church in Singapore l Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) 48th Session
Updates for Wesley Methodist Church
Christmas Letter 2023
Click here for Wesley Advent & Christmas Services and Programmme 2023. All are welcome to join us!
The Methodist Church in Singapore | TRINITY ANNUAL CONFERENCE (TRAC) 2023 Special Session | 15 July 2023
Updates for Wesley Methodist Church
Pledge Letter 2023
Click here to download PDF copy
Church office closed
Please be informed that the church office will be closed on Mon 10 Apr 2023.
For enquiries, please email:
Easter Letter 2023
Click here to download PDF copy
Traffic Advisory - Canning Rise (24 Mar 2023)
Proposed Road Modification Works Including Addition of Cycling Path Along Canning Rise
Dear Wesleyans,
Please note that there are ongoing road works carried out by NParks along Canning Rise. As there may be road blockage and slower traffic, please exercise extra care and follow the directions of the traffic wardens and on the signages.
For enquiries, please send us email at:
Church Office Closed
Please be informed that the church office will be closed on:
• Fri 20 Jan 2023 (PM)
• Mon 10 Apr 2023
For enquiries, please email:
Chinese New Year Letter 2023
Click here to download PDF copy
The Methodist Church in Singapore l Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) 47th Session
Updates for Wesley Methodist Church
Pastoral Letter on the Repeal of S377A
26 August 2022
Dear Wesleyans,
Pastoral Letter on the Repeal of S377A
At the National Day Rally on 21 August 2022, our Prime Minister announced that the Government will be repealing Section 377A of the Penal Code (“S377A”). He also said that the current definition of marriage, which is between man and woman, will be protected from challenges in the courts, and that the Government will continue to uphold the importance of family in our national policies.
Responses from NCCS and MCS
The National Council of Churches of Singapore (“NCCS”) has issued a response to the Government’s decision to repeal S377A1, and the Methodist Church in Singapore (“MCS”) has separately done the same2. In addition, MCS has published an article in Methodist Message (“MM”) which outlines a Christian response to the repeal3.
Our Christian position
As part of the larger Methodist body and the Church in Singapore, the leadership of Wesley is in alignment with the views expressed in the responses of NCCS and MCS.
In particular, we wish to reiterate, as emphasised by NCCS, that our views on sexuality are shaped by Scripture, which teaches that same-sex sexual acts are contrary to God’s design and order. Also, our understanding of marriage is defined in Scripture to be between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:24).
We also wish to affirm the position, as expressed by NCCS, that our view of the family unit follows from our view of heterosexual marriage, which we believe to be the best environment to raise and nurture children.
In support of the proposals of NCCS and MCS, we call for Constitutional protection of the current definition of marriage. We urge the Government to make the necessary constitutional amendments and continue making laws and policies which rely on heterosexual marriages and families as the foundation of Singapore society.
As rightly expressed by NCCS and MCS, we seek the Government’s assurance that the religious freedom Christians enjoy to teach and express our faith without interference, repercussion or drawing offence from others may be adequately protected. We also request that the Government provide clear safeguards in areas of public policy, especially in areas of family, education and censorship, and in the workplace.
As articulated by the MCS article in MM, we as Christians are called to be committed to seek the welfare of our city and engage with public policy for what we believe is for the common good of all Singaporeans. We recognise that inaction and indifference can have significant consequences for future generations. Above all, we seek to display the holy love and glory of Christ in the way we take and stand in our position.
Let us be bold, courageous, and respectful as we stand firm in our Christian convictions.
Framework for engagement
For Wesley, many of you have shared your views with me, and I recognise that even within our own church family, our views differ greatly.
It is worth noting that there are those who, based on Christian principles, strongly support the retention of S377A or those who seek repeal, and those who are ambivalent towards it. Some believe that the church has a duty to speak up, or strongly feel that we should not impose our beliefs on society.
These differing views are not just along generational lines. Christians of all ages and backgrounds have come to different conclusions about what is the most Christian thing to do.
Now that the Government has decided that S377A will be repealed, there has been a variety of responses from disappointment, fear, lament, aggressive call for action to relief and rejoicing. It is at this juncture that my heart is burdened most of all for unity within our church body, even in the midst of diverse responses and opinions.
It is with this in mind that I thought it timely to offer pastoral counsel on this matter. Such counsel is meant to go beyond the current issue of the repeal of S377A, as I hope to provide us with some approaches on how to move forward together on this and other related issues.
Bearing in mind Apostle Paul's exhortation to "Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification" (Romans 14:19), I would like to propose that we adopt the framework of "Listen, Learn, and Love".
Firstly, let us begin with the posture of listening. Listening to others is of vital importance, as this conversation is about people as much as it is about law, policy and public interest.
The repeal of S377A is not an abstract legal issue. It affects the lives of real people within our church family – brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. There are Christians who wrestle with same-sex attraction and the church's view of sexuality. We need to listen to their stories, understand their struggles, and hear about what they need from their church community.
There are Christians facing pressure in schools, workplaces, and social groups to declare, maintain, or change their position on the issue. We need to give space for others to process this issue within godly community.
We will undoubtedly encounter fellow Christians and those outside the church with whom we disagree. May I suggest that we adopt the posture of listening and seek to understand why they think the way they do, in the same way that we would like them to listen to and understand what we have to say.
I have found it helpful as a starting point to believe that most Christians are genuinely trying our best to do what we believe the Gospel tells us to do, whether in expressing justice or compassion, kindness, or holiness. Let us give each other the benefit of the doubt and hear each other out.
Let us listen, for God may have something to say to us through others.
Secondly, we need to learn in humility.
The issue of same-sex attraction, LGBT+ rights, and S377A is a complex one covering biblical, theological, legal, social, medical, historical, and other perspectives. The body of knowledge has developed rapidly over the years and mature Christians have a duty to educate ourselves about the relevant (and sometimes contradictory) literature, and keep up to date with current conversations and perspectives.
To restate a piece of wisdom, "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not to their own facts." Our views as Christians should be founded on accurate information and sound argument. Together, we need God's wisdom to process what we have in front of us.
In particular, it is imperative that Christians should be familiar with what the Bible teaches on sexuality and the role of Christians in society. We should also learn about how the church can minister to those with same-sex attraction, and not be ignorant of some of the hurtful ways that the Christian community has done so in the past. In particular, we should ensure that abusive forms of conversion therapy find no place in our churches.
We should also keep ourselves updated about the proposals that the Government intends to put forward, for example as listed by this helpful article from Salt&Light4, especially as it develops over the next few weeks and months.
It is my sincere hope that through learning, we will be able to have more informed, thoughtful and edifying conversations with one another, and with those outside the church.
Finally, we as Christians should strive to express the truth of God's holy love. As Christ’s disciples, we are to show the love of God which helps each of us grow in holiness.
In managing this complex issue, we can show love to different groups of people in the following ways:
First, for those within the church who wrestle with their sexuality (e.g. same-sex attraction), we are to embody holy love by being compassionate and welcoming. We can minister by creating safe spaces where they can share their struggles and find a supportive and loving community who will listen to their stories and encourage them in their journey of pursuing Christ and holy living. We should support them as they seek to make choices about their own lives based on their convictions about what brings ultimate wholeness and fulfilment. If you, your family members, or anyone you know would like to receive support, you may contact any of our pastors or our counsellors5.
Next, for our non-Christian family members, friends, and colleagues who do not share in our beliefs, we show love by not imposing our views but engaging in conversations that seek to build trust and mutual understanding in a kind and considerate manner.
Then, there are those who vehemently oppose us or that we perceive to have a certain agenda. For these persons, let us be wise in our interactions and also be respectful. There is no need to compromise our witness in allowing others to find fault with how we stand for what we believe instead of what we believe.
Finally, let’s show holy love when interacting with fellow Christians who do not agree with us. Let our words and interactions reflect the character of Christ. Let us not impose our views on others and submit to one another out of reverence for Christ (Ephesians 5:21).
This means while we may not see eye to eye, we acknowledge that it is our Lord who is sovereign and in control. In reverential surrender to His sovereign goodness and purposes, we honour each other even in the way we disagree.
Through these simple actions of listening, learning and loving, we can help each other become more holy and Christlike, even as we acknowledge our differences and surrender them to God, who alone holds everything together.
I am reminded that the world will know that we are disciples of Christ by the way we love one another (John 13:34-35). As we do that, it is my hope that the Church will be known more for what we are for, rather than what we are against.
In closing, let me return again to speak of unity, which by no means equates to uniformity or unanimity, but does call for humility.
The Book of Romans emphasises that we are all sinners saved by grace, and that neither Jew nor Gentile is better than the other. Let us in humility consider others better than ourselves (Philippians 2:3) as we participate in dialogue and constructive action in church and society. Let us heed Paul's words to make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification (Romans 14:19).
It is my hope that Wesleyans, in listening, learning and loving, will display the true holy love of God, and sow peace and goodwill within our church family and society. Let us allow the Holy Spirit to guide our thoughts and actions, and encourage one another to seek God in this matter. A simple start could be to read this letter together with the official responses from NCCS and MCS and create safe spaces for us to share our views among fellow Christians.
As we explore the church directions of Discipleship in the Family next year, we hope to help parents disciple their children through meaningful engagement on challenging topics like sexuality. We hope to equip all generations to embrace and engage those who wrestle with these matters, as well as to make a defence for the biblical truth.
We will also be organising several platforms for us to get together to listen and learn about what the Bible says about this topic and what we as Christians are called to do in society and our daily lives. We hope to have meaningful and constructive dialogue so that we can help each other grow in holy love. Do watch out for the announcements of such events, and participate in them fully, if it is something that you feel led to do.
Above all, let us continue praying. The battle is ours and yet belongs to the Lord (2 Chronicles 20:15b). His purposes will prevail, so let us be found faithful in this journey.
This is Pastor Ray, listening, learning and loving with you.
Rev Raymond Fong
[1] NCCS, 21 Aug 2022
[2] MCS, 21 Aug 2022
[3] MM, 22 Aug 2022
[4] Salt&Light, 23 Aug 2022,
[5] You may contact Wesley Counselling Services at
Pastoral Cover Note on the Official Response to the Announcement on the Repeal of Section 377A
>> Click here to download PDF copy
22 August 2022
Dear Wesleyans,
Pastoral Cover Note on the Official Response to the Announcement on the Repeal of Section 377A
You may have heard PM Lee announce at the National Day Rally on 21 August 2022 that the Singapore Government intends to repeal S377A and strengthen the current definition of marriage in the constitution.
You may refer to the official responses to this announcement from the National Council of Churches of Singapore and the Methodist Church in Singapore, both of which Wesley MC are part of.
Official Responses
- National Council of Churches of Singapore
NCCS - The National Council of Churches of Singapore Response to Government’s Decision on the Repeal of Section 377A - Methodist Church in Singapore
MCS Response to the Repeal of S377A of the Penal Code
Within our church, we have a variety of concerns surrounding this issue, and I intend to address them in due course.
In the meantime, these statements outline concerns and principles that Christians may find instructive in our response to this issue. I urge you to read and consider the points raised in both of them.
Above all, I encourage you to pray, seek and listen to God on this matter. Let us always show God's love in our interactions with one another.
Praying with you,
Rev Raymond Fong
For further reading
Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) 47th Session
Last Local Conference l 17 Sep 2022
Pledge 2022
>> Click here to download PDF copy
Easter 2022
>> Click here to download PDF copy
Update on Streamlined Safe Management Measures (SMM) for Wesley Methodist Church (25 Mar 2022)
Dear Wesleyans and Friends,
The Government has announced streamlined Safe Management Measures (SMM) that take effect from 15 Mar 2022.
Here are some key points of changes that will be implemented for our church from 2 April (Sat) and 3 April (Sun).
Worshipping in Church
Registration will not be required to attend the on-site worship services. Announcements will be made should any registration be required.
As seating at the services is on a first-come-first-served basis, please follow the direction of our ushers and staff on duty. Do note that currently, all services are VDS services and Safe Entry check-in is required for all coming to church.
Attending Courses
We are allowed up to 1,000 participants to come to church to attend classes. As these classes are Non-VDS, please follow the instructions issued by the course organisers when signing up in order to comply with the streamlined SMMs.
Details of resumption of on-site ministry for each age group have been shared with the parents and youths.
Stay Updated
As the situation is fast-changing, please keep in touch via our Telegram Channel <> or Webpage <> for the latest updates.
For enquiries, please send us an email at:
Please keep in prayer as we move into this new phase, that many more will return to church for on-site services and activities.
Special Session of Local Conference | 08 Mar 2022
Eleventh Pastoral Letter To Wesleyans (04 Feb 2022)
>> Click here to download PDF copy
Chinese New Year Letter 2022
Click here to download PDF copy
Covid-19 Latest Update (30 Dec 2021)
Covid-19 Latest Update (30 Dec 2021 )
Dear Worshippers,
The latest update to the VDS (Vaccinated-Differentiated Safe Management Measures) will take effect from 1 Jan 2022. (Source: MOH - Click Here)
With the latest measures, those who are unvaccinated will not be allowed to attend V-E-T worship services (services above 50 pax), even with Pre-Event Testing, unless they are:
(1) 12 years old and under,
(2) Recovered from COVID-19 (within 180 days)*, or
(3) Medically ineligible for vaccine (with doctor's letter).
If you are unvaccinated, you may still attend these services:
(1) Traditional 10.15am Service at YWCA
(2) Traditional 5pm Service in the Sanctuary
Please register using this link:
We deeply empathise with those who are unable to attend our worship services. We are engaging the authorities on how to extend the ministries of our church to this group.
Should you have any enquiries, do send us an email at
*We can only admit under this category if Worshipper has:
(1) PET exemption notice; or
(2) Discharge memo if it indicates the date of the 1st PCR positive result
(3) TT App showing with first positive PCR test result within 180 days
First Local Conference 2022
Announcement | Church Office Closed 27 Dec 2021
Please note that the church office will be closed on Mon 27 Dec 2021.
Normal office hours will resume 28 Dec 2021.
WesleyMC Christmas Letter 2021
Christmas Letter 2021 (Click here to download PDF copy)
Pastors Appointed to Wesley Methodist Church (w.e.f. 1 Jan 2022)
TRAC 2021_Announcements_Rev Edmund de Souza
Tenth Pastoral Letter To Wesleyans (08 Oct 2021)
>> Click here for the PDF version
Last Local Conference 2021
UPDATES | 22 Jul 2021
UPDATES | 18 Jun 2021
UPDATES | 20 May 2021
UPDATES | 16 May 2021 (1400 hrs)
PHASE 2 (Heightened Alert) in the Fight Against COVID-19
(Source: MOH 14 May 2021 Para 11a)
📍 All our Worship Services for next weekend 22/23 May 2021 will be Live-streamed Online.
📍 There will be no On-site Worship Services.
📍 This is to give our ministry teams time to plan and make necessary adjustments, as well for us to prayerfully assess the situation.
Do share our worship links with your families and friends and invite them to come together, where they are, to worship online. Most of all, let us continue to pray and seek the Lord.
Live-streamed only | 23 May | 9.30am
👉🏻 Click here to join (Trad Svc)
👉🏻 Alternate link
Live-streamed only | 23 May | 11.30am
👉🏻 Click here to join (P&P Svcs)
👉🏻 Alternate link
Via Zoom | 23 May | 2pm
Please contact us at:
Live-streamed only | 23 May | 2.30pm
👉🏻 Click here to join (Mand Svc)
👉🏻 Alternate link
Live-streamed only | 22 May 2021 | 2pm
👉🏻 Join YM Telegram for latest updates
👉🏻 Please contact your YSG leader or send email to
To comply with the adjustments to minimise face-to-face social gatherings and interactions, all our ministry, Bible study and SGM groups will be meeting online.
As the situation is fast changing, please stay updated through our Church's Telegram Channel and Website.
👉🏼 Let's do our part. Let's stay safe. Let's keep praying.
🙏🏻 Pray for God’s wisdom and grace as we cope with the new measures. The Lord is with us and we will persevere!
📍Wesley Telegram Channel
LATEST UPDATES | 14 May 2021 (1900 hrs)
Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) in the Fight Against COVID-19
(Source: MOH 14 May 2021 Para 11a (
Dear Wesleyans,
With the additional measures announced by MOH on 14 May 2021, here are 3 updates for us:
1️⃣ WORSHIP SERVICES for this weekend - 15/16 May 2021
To give our teams time to plan and make necessary adjustments, all our On-site Worship Services are cancelled for this weekend, except for TSS (The Saturday Service), as the new regulations take effect on Sunday 16 May 2021.
5pm (On site) | 15 May | Wesley Hall
Please join us in Worship online:
Live-streamed only | 16 May | 9.30am
👉🏻Click here to join (Trad Svc)
👉🏻 Alternate link
Live-streamed only | 16 May | 11.30am
👉🏻Click here to join (P&P Svcs)
👉🏻 Alternate link
Via Zoom | 16 May | 2pm
Please contact us at:
Live-streamed only | 16 May | 2.30pm
👉🏻Click here to join (Mand Svc)
👉🏻 Alternate link
Live-streamed only | 15 May 2021 at 2pm
👉🏻Join YM Telegram for latest updates
👉🏻 Please contact your YSG leader or send email to
To comply with the adjustments to minimise face-to-face social gatherings and interactions, all our ministry, Bible study and SGM groups will be meeting online.
As the situation is fast changing, please stay updated through our Church's Telegram Channel and Website.
👉🏼 Let's do our part. Let's stay safe. Let's keep praying.
🙏🏻 Pray for God’s wisdom and grace as we cope with the new measures. The Lord is with us and we will persevere!
📍Wesley Telegram Channel
LATEST UPDATES | 14 May 2021 (1430 hrs)
PLEASE STAY TUNED - Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) in the Fight Against COVID-19
(Source: MOH 14 May 2021), Para 11a -
Dear Wesleyans,
Please note that with the additional measures announced by our Ministry of Health on the Covid-19 situation, please stay tuned for updates on our On-site Worship Services for this weekend 15/16 May 2021.
Updates will be announced on our Church's Telegram Channel, Website and by email (for those who have registered through the Eventbrite Registration page).
Do read and comply with the MOH advisory, and let us keep in prayer for the situation to be under control.
Wesley Telegram Channel:
Wesley Website:
Ninth Pastoral Letter To Wesleyans
MCS (Methodist Church in Singapore) Letter from Bishop Dr Gordon Wong: Loving Our Neighbour: The Vaccination! Programme
WesleyMC Volunteers' Dedication 2021
Wesley Methodist ChurchMinistry Volunteers' Dedication 2021
Dedication of all people serving in Wesley Methodist Church will be held at the online worship services this weekend:
09/10 Jan 2021 | Online Traditional Service (Sun from 7.30m) and Prayer & Praise Services (Sat from 5pm)
LINKS Worship Online ▶️ Wesley Weekly ▶️
WesleyMC Christmas Letter 2020
Christmas Letter 2020 (Click here to download PDF copy)
CONSECRATION SERVICE of Bishop-Elect Dr Gordon Wong
Live streaming from Wesley Methodist Church
Join using this link:
The Methodist Church in Singapore l Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) 45th Session l 23 - 26 Nov 2020
Welcome to Wesley
Pastors Appointed to Wesley Methodist Church (w.e.f. 1 Jan 2021)
(Pastor-in-Charge) Rev Raymond Fong, (Pastors) Rev Edmund de Souza, Rev Michael Tan, Rev Lilian Ang, Rev Chia Chin Nam, Rev Gladwin Lee, Rev Adrian Ng, Rev David Ho, (Assistant Pastors) Rev Benjamin Lau, Pastor Clement Ong.
MCS (Methodist Church in Singapore) Statement on a Radicalised Singaporean Christian
Read here:
Pastoral Letters and Church Advisory on the Covid-19 Situation
On this page
Pastoral Letters by Pastor-in-Charge
04 Feb 2022 | Eleventh Pastoral Letter to Wesleyans (04Feb2022) | |
08 Oct 2021 | Tenth Pastoral Letter to Wesleyans (08Oct2021) | |
01 Jun 2021 | Ninth Pastoral Letter to Wesleyans (01Jun2021) | |
26 Jun 2020 | Eighth Pastoral Letter to Wesleyans (26Jun2020) | |
09 Apr 2020 | Seventh Pastoral Letter to Wesleyans (09Apr2020) | |
03 Apr 2020 | Sixth Pastoral Letter to Wesleyans (03Apr2020) | |
26 Mar 2020 | Fifth Pastoral Letter to Wesleyans (26Mar2020) | |
20 Mar 2020 | Fourth Pastoral Letter to Wesleyans (20Mar2020) | |
12 Mar 2020 | Third Pastoral Letter to Wesleyans (12Mar2020) | |
15 Feb 2020 | Second Pastoral Letter to Wesleyans (15Feb2020) | |
14 Feb 2020 | First Pastoral Letter to Wesleyans (14Feb2020) |
Church Advisory on the Covid-19 Situation
Letters, Advisories and Messages from the Methodist Church in Singapore
For a complete list, please visit the website of Methodist Church in Singapore.
For Enquiries please contact our Director of Administration, Felix Yeo, at Phone (office hrs) 63361433, Email