- Welcome to COSC!
- Wesley Befrienders to Older Persons (WBOP)
- Wesley Community Ministry (WCM)
- Wesley Deaf Ministry (DeafMin)
- Wesley Financial Assistance (WFA)
- Wesley Migrant Ministry (WMM)
- Wesley Prison Ministry (WPM)
- Wesley Youth Centre (WYC)
- Serve With Us
- Testimonies
Welcome to COSC

Who are we?
COSC is made up of the following individual sub-ministries, working together to demonstrate God’s love through our actions to various communities of different age groups and sociocultural background.
- Wesley Befrienders to Older Persons (WBOP)
- Wesley Community Ministry (WCM)
- Wesley Deaf Ministry (DeafMin)
- Wesley Financial Assistance (WFA)
- Wesley Migrant Ministry (WMM)
- Wesley Prison Ministry (WPM)
- Wesley Youth Centre (WYC)
Our Vision
To be a vibrant, committed and growing volunteer-based ministry in Wesley Methodist Church serving within Singapore and the region.
Our Mission
To share God’s love by reaching out to help the disadvantaged and those in need and providing opportunities for volunteers to serve.
Our Strategy
To impact the communities where we are serving through:
- 3Bs: Blessing, Belonging, Believing
For more information, email us at
Wesley Befrienders to Older Persons (WBOP)
What is Wesley Befrienders To Older Persons (WBOP)?
Wesley Befrienders to Older Persons (WBOP) is one of 5 outreach ministries under the Christian Outreach & Social Concerns (COSC) ministry in Wesley Methodist Church.
Our Vision:
Every elderly finds love and hope through trusted friendship
Our Mission:
Christ-centered ministry to befriend the lonely and lost elderly
Our 3Bs Strategy:
Blessing: Acts of Service & Kindness
Belonging: Fostering relationships that cultivate authentic community
Believing: Pointing to the only One who can give peace to the soul and inviting them to faith in Christ.
Our Core Values (C.H.R.I.S.T.)
- Compassion & Commitment
- Humility
- Respect
- Integrity
- Spirit-Led
- Teamwork
The primary objective of WBOP is to be a befriending ministry to the elderly poor and needy, serving and supporting them with their needs as we can. WBOP operates through 3 main areas of sub-ministry serving the elderly in different living constructs in Singapore:
- Elderly living in one-room flats in the vicinity of Indus Road and Jalan Berseh
- Elderly living in nursing homes – Bethany Methodist Nursing Home and Green Avenue Home
- Elderly at the drop-in eldercare centre – St Luke’s Eldercare-Golden Years Centre
Our range of befriending activities, include meal deliveries to our elderly clients, home visits, visits to nursing homes & eldercare centres, virtual befriending sessions, outings and special meal events. We also assist our clients with hospital or medical visits as and when necessary.
Below is a list of volunteering opportunities in our ministry. We warmly invite you to prayerfully consider joining us! No prior experience is needed, just a willing heart to serve. Our experienced volunteers will guide you along. Do sign up!
Area | Frequency | Remarks | |
1 | Indus Road area | Weekly | WBOP delivers Sunday dinners to our clients. Our volunteers also conduct befriending home visits, at the discretion of each team |
2 | Jalan Berseh area | Weekly | WBOP delivers Sunday dinners to our clients. Our volunteers also conduct befriending home visits at the discretion of each team |
3 | MWS - Bethany Nursing Home | Monthly | WBOP visits Faith and Hope Residences. 4th Saturday of each month. Visits are 2 hours. |
4 | Green Avenue Home | Bi-monthly | Visits are once in 2 months, on 2nd Saturday of the odd month. Visits are 2 hours. |
5 | SLEC GYC | Monthly | 4th Monday of each month. Visits are 2 hours. |
6 | Home visitations | Monthly | Depending on locations of the clients |
In addition to the above regular befriending activities, WBOP also organizes outings and dinners for our elderly beneficiaries. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the nature of these outings and dinners are being reviewed and re-calibrated to comply with prevailing Covid-19 safe management regulations.
Click here to read an article on WBOP outreach published in Wesley Tidings (Aug 2021).
Wesley Community Ministry (WCM)
To express Christ’s love in the community so that lives may be blessed, a sense of belonging may be cultivated through friendship and belief in a greater hope – which is the Wesley@Berseh Mission
In Berseh, WCM seeks to establish Wesley Methodist Church’s presence and be a blessing to the Berseh Community through a variety of organised one-time activities run by volunteers from Wesley. Our mainstay event has been the Christmas@Berseh carnival where more than 400 residents participate in an afternoon of games, performances, snacks, blessed draws ending with bento dinner which they can bring home to enjoy with their families. Other smaller scale events that have been previously organised by Wesley volunteers include distribution of dumplings for the Dumpling Festival and gathering residents together for a fun-filled Movie night.

To reach out to those living in rental flats in the Jalan Besar vicinity, WCM formed a partnership with Kampong Kapor Community Services in 2022 to initiate a new project named “ReDesign Project”. The Project’s objective is to co-create an improved living space for the renter families so that they can stay in a more conducive and safe living environment at home. Through the ReDesign Project, Wesley Small Groups are provided with outreach opportunities to bless the more needy in our communities. The Small Groups spend time befriending and engaging with the residents to come up with and implement an improved home design for the rental residents. COSC/WCM’s long-term plan after the ReDesign Project is for the Small Groups volunteers to continue building on the relationship with the beneficiaries and sharing God’s love through monthly visits and meals.

Another new initiative in 2022 was Zhen Xin Hua 真❤话 (ZXH – Words from the Heart). ZXH provides a safe space for the seniors in Berseh to discuss life issues with each other and with Wesley volunteers and conversely for volunteers to share our Christian faith and perspectives pertaining to those issues. As the seniors come with a curious heart to explore and find out more about Jesus, the ZXH team remains focused on gauging the seniors’ openness to the Christian faith through small group discussions while being always respectful of their views.

We warmly welcome you and/or your small group to volunteer in any of the above projects and initiatives as part of your discipleship journey and discover the joy of reaching out to our communities as God commanded us to (Deuteronomy 15:11). Email us at
WESLEY DEAF MINISTRY (DeafMin) f.k.a Ministry of the Hearing Impaired
With effect from March 2023, our ministry name has been changed from Ministry of the Hearing Impaired to WESLEY DEAF MINISTRY. The short form for our new ministry name will be DeafMin (fka MHI). Our new logo:
DeafMin (fka MHI) continues to give thanks to the Lord for our vibrant and dynamic community, and for our committed volunteers who serve in our ministry for over 31 years. Thank you.
fka = formerly known as
DeafMin (a.k.a MHI) has been reaching out to the Deaf & Hard-of-hearing community since 1992, through Sign Language interpretation at Prayer & Praise worship services. The ministry also started Sign Language classes, to raise awareness of the Deaf & Hard-of-hearing community to the hearing congregation in church. These classes continue to run regularly today for those who have passion for this unique community.
The ministry has also organised a range of activities to connect with the Deaf & Hard-of-hearing community, such as free tuition for students with hearing loss, regular bible study groups, Sunday Fellowship, and even regional mission trips, with the first trip to Laguna in 2007. The ministry also provides Sign Language interpretation during courses, to equip both its hearing and Deaf members with interpretation and evangelistic skills. Other inclusive activities the ministry organises include “The Saturday Dinner”, an event that encourages DeafMin members to invite their friends (Deaf, Hard-of-hearing & hearing) for dinner and mingle with the community.
Through their ministering and outreach, DeafMin has grown to include 50 Deaf & Hard-of-hearing members in the Wesley community, who worship and grow in Christ together with the hearing congregation. The ministry is also constantly evolving and developing new ways to reach out to the Deaf, Hard-of-hearing & hearing community at large.
Sign Language Interpretation is available for The Saturday Service at 5pm and Prayer and Praise Service, 9.30am. Drop by for a visit. We are seated on the right side of the Wesley Hall. If you are interested to attend, please contact us for the updated service timings at:
Instagram: @wesleydeafmin
About Wesley Financial Assistance
The Ministry recognises that there is a segment of people in our society who have been marginalised through various reasons and are therefore living in conditions of hardship. It is to this group of people that the ministry seeks to reach out to, to share God’s love. This in practical terms mean that the ministry must go to where the people are; to meet their needs is first to understand their way of life, the environment from which they come from and the culture of hardship. This understanding is essential for building bridges of trust and friendship, something required before the church can begin to share God’s love to our friends. The ministry endeavours to win the trust and friendship of the community through Christian social care and concern.
It is to provide financial aid to individuals/families for a period of up to 3 months or more, if necessary. This financial assistance scheme is not a replacement of the monthly income that is needed by the individual/family. It is a partial support for them whilst encouraging them to also seek out for other sources of income/support through this time of need. Eventually, as far as possible, it is to assist them towards financial independence.
Documents to bring for application for financial assistance
- NRIC of applicant
- Marriage Certificate, if applicable
- Birth Certificate of child(ren) if applicable
- Job appointment letter if employed
- Letter from other sources of support (e.g. CDC, VWO)
- PUB bills
- Other relevant documents for verification
By appointment only.
To make an appointment, please contact Wesley Financial Assistance office. The office is closed on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
Wesley Migrant Ministry (WMM)
- A holistic approach towards migrant outreach (3Bs approach - Blessing, Belonging, Believing)
- A holistic well-being of the migrant community
- Building sustainable communities
Wesley's outreach to migrants began in December 2008, with Christmas events with Karunya Community Clinic, a medical outreach of Asia Evangelistic Fellowship (AEF). The outreach events were then extended to outings over the years.
As years went on, Wesley’s migrant ministry extended its reach through partnerships with TWC2, HOME and HealthServe where events and outings were organized to bless migrant brothers who were in need.
Since 2018, the migrant ministry shifted its focus to workers in the dormitories through English and computer classes. Through these engagements, the ministry has been able to build relationships and sustained communities with the migrant brothers, beyond adhoc acts of kindness and blessings. Even through the COVID-19 pandemic, the migrant ministry has been able to reach out to the workers in the dormitories through the blessing of essential items like fruits, biscuits and hand soap.

We invite you to join us in this ministry by befriending the migrant brothers in the following ways!
- Teach basic English
- Plan outings/events
- Check-in regularly on their welfare
Contact Us
Wesley Prison Ministry (WPM) works closely with Prison Fellowship Singapore (PFS) and Halfway Houses to minister to prisoners, ex-offenders and their families with God’s love and transformative power.

In-Care brings the message of transformational grace of Christ within prisons through key programmes such as Chapel Services, Bible Study and Christian Intensive Religious Counselling Programmes (CIRCP).
After-Care starts with the Release Gate Ministry where released inmates are received. Ex-offenders continue to be ministered to, upon their release. Volunteers build on their friendships developed with those they’ve ministered to in prison and halfway houses, introduce them into new communities, provide practical help and encouragement on their journey of transformation. WMC’s Connect Fellowship helps to integrate ex-offenders into a church community that will welcome and journey with them spiritually, emotionally and socially.
Family Care
When someone enters the prison system, his or her family is not spared either. In the midst of struggling to handle this reality, the inmates’ spouses, parents or children are often trapped or labelled with shame and societal stigmas. They also often battle with loneliness, unfamiliarity, loss, and anxiety. Through monthly home visitations, Family Care volunteers form relationships with families, and provide them with emotional and social support. For a holistic family support, the Family Care Club team gathers the children of inmates for Christian nurturing and fellowship.
Contact Us
References: https://pfs.org.sg/
About Wesley Youth Centre (WYC)

With effect from 1 March 2023, Wesley Youth Centre will be using this new logo

In the heart of Jalan Berseh, at Blocks 25 & 26 is Wesley Youth Centre (WYC). For over 15 years, WYC has been a familiar sight to the neighbourhood, forging friendships with the children, youths and their families.
WYC’s mission is “In Christian love, bless and befriend youths and their families”. We want to ensure that ample opportunities are created to develop our children and youths in their physical, social, emotional and cognitive abilities. We also want to provide them with experiences of friendship, a sense of belonging, leadership, and recognition.
Serve with us! Volunteering opportunities at WYC
Join us in serving the children, youths and families at Jalan Berseh, and bringing God’s presence and love into the community!
History and background of WYC
Wesley Youth Centre (WYC) started in 1974 and was initiated by Rev Isaac Lim, Mr Wong Tien Poh, Mr Chen Nee Sia and Mr T Q Lim to reach out to the disadvantaged youths and their families. It was first located at Wesley Methodist Church where full-time staff were engaged to supervise and provide services to the youths.
In 1984, it shifted to Neil Road to share a premise with Wesley Child Development Centre in the old Fairfield Methodist School. The premise provided WYC with a bigger space, more rooms for its tuition programme, and basketball courts for basketball and street soccer. In 1993, WYC moved to share an office space with Glory Methodist Church in Toa Payoh until 1995, when it rented a space in the Boys’ Brigade Headquarters in Ganges Avenue.
On 9 November 2007, WYC moved to our current rental premise at Block 25 Jalan Berseh, #01-134/136, Singapore 200025, and further expanded in 15 July 2017 to include a new extension at Blk 26 Jalan Berseh. The centre opening was graced by MP Ms Denise Phua and Rev Stanley Chua. Today, WYC at Blocks 25 and 26 hope to continue to be the lighthouse for the children, youths and their families at Jalan Berseh so as to fulfill the mission that our founders have laid.
Serve With Us
Click Volunteer Job Descriptions for the various volunteer positions you can serve in COSC
Volunteers required urgently –
DeafMin - Anyone with expertise on video editing for the Social Media & Deaf Awareness team.
WBOP’s sub-ministry - Green Avenue Home
- Visitation on 2nd Saturday of odd number months from 2pm to 3.45pm.
- Bringing sing-a-long music, fun exercises, healthy snacks and warm conversations to the residents.
Wesley@Berseh - Befrienders for seniors living in Jalan Besar area. Monthly
commitment in teams of 2-3 persons.
WMM - English/Computer class volunteers for migrants in Kranji.
WFA - 4 new befrienders needed at Jurong area.
- Tutors - Primary and Secondary school students - Monday or Tuesday.
- Recreation - Once a month, Saturday.
- The Saturday Club (TSC) - Once a month.
- Owl Programme - Alternate Saturday morning.
Should you be interested in volunteering in any of the roles, please email us at
Chee Chi Hoon, Traditional Worship Service, September 2024
A testimony by Chi Hoon on “Sacrificial Commitment” at the Traditional Worship Service on 29 Sep 2024.
Wayne Khoo, WBOP, December 2023
I have been servingin WBOP since 2015 first at Bersah and then at Indus since 2019. These 8 years have been a time of discovery, growth and learning. Initially, I thought that I… see more
Serene Ho, WBOP, August 2023
For the past 10 years, I have been visiting Bethany Nursing Home monthly together with other volunteers. We are a familiar fixture to many of the residents through… see more
God’s People Small Group, WBOP, August 2023
Back in 2018, our small group wanted to do something together, apart from Bible Studies. We initially explored overseas mission trips, but realised that it wasn’t sustainable given our work commitments… see more
WPM Volunteer Reflections, August 2023
Working with our partner, Prison Fellowship Singapore and the volunteer team in care club is God’s privilege to me in experiencing God’s presence… see more*
*Note: page includes other testimonies.