Sacred Marriage Health Check
God created marriage for one purpose, and that is to illustrate Jesus’ intimate and sacrificial love for His church (Ephesians 5:22-25, 32). For Christians therefore, marriage is a discipleship journey where husband and wife anchor this sacred relationship on Christ our Cornerstone, encouraging one another to grow to be more like Christ.
Just like a garden that needs cultivating to keep its plants healthy and flowering, our marriage needs intentional and constant loving care to thrive. Just like a garden with slow growing weeds that wither the plants eventually, we need to identify problem areas in our marriage which may cause our marriage to deteriorate.
There are many spiritual and secular marriage health questionnaires that offer comprehensive assessments of the state of one’s marriage. The Wesley Methodist Church Sacred Marriage Health Check is designed to help you assess your marriage discipleship journey based on the 5 faith environments of CORDS in the Wesley Discipleship Model:
Significant Circumstances
Scriptural Obedience
Spiritual Relationship
Spiritual Disciplines
Sacrificial Service
The questions are designed for married couples. Every marriage has areas that are working well and areas that could use improvement. If you want to identify your strengths and find resources to help you grow in your marriage in the 5 faith environments of CORDS, this Sacred Marriage Health Check is for you.
- Each spouse does the Sacred Marriage Health Check individually.
- You may still do this on your own even if your spouse is not ready to do so. Please note that some of the action plans are to be committed together as a couple.
- Prayerfully ask God to guide you in your evaluation of your sacred marriage relationship. Reflect on each question and answer as honestly as possible.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the faith environment where He desires you to grow as a couple.
- There will be a score added up automatically per section and a total score which sums up all the section scores.
- Your scorecard together with a list of resources and recommended actions will be emailed to you. Prayerfully consider your next course of action.
- Discuss your scorecard with your spouse if both of you have completed the sacred marriage health check. Check out the resources and agree to take the next step together to further enhance your marriage.
- You may email Family Life Ministry
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