Wesley DiscipleshipModel

At Wesley Methodist Church, there is a desire for you and me to grow intentionally in our Faith Journey with God.
Just as the early disciples of Christ gathered together to build each other up, so is the commitment of our community to help nurture one another.
By growing our faith, we can all live the joyful and fulfilling life that God has intended for each of us individually and all of us collectively.
Becoming a disciple does not happen in a moment. It is a lifelong journey of intentionally following the footsteps of Christ that leads to personal transformation .
In this toolbox, we would like to engage you in our approach to discipleship and provide a series of steps to help you grow in your faith.
What do I do next?

are defining moments of immense awe, great joy or deep pain. When you interpret those significant moments with a biblical perspective, they can lead you to a positive experience of God’s transforming love.

God’s Word is critically important in your training in righteousness. Yet, it is not merely the intellectual understanding of Scripture that transforms you, but your response to put God’s Word into practice that does so.

It is in the context of relationships that you are best able to live out the commands found in Scripture and be challenged to grow in Christ-likeness. It is also in relationships that you receive encouragement, inspiration and guidance to live a life worthy of God’s calling.

Scripture, the example of Jesus and our historical tradition all combine to stress the importance of spiritual disciplines to form Christ in us. The spiritual disciplines are not marks of discipleship in themselves, but means of placing you in the pathway of the Holy Spirit’s transforming power.

Whether it is serving on a mission trip or serving the poor in our community, ministry to others changes us. When you serve sacrificially, it stretches your faith and often leads to a deeper experience of the goodness and greatness of God for others and yourself.