Q1. Which locations in church is this WiFi service available?
This WiFi service is available at Wesley Methodist Church premise in locations including Sanctuary, Wesley Hall, Atrium, rooms at levels 2, 3 and the basement.
Q2. Is this a paid service?
This service is offered free for worshippers and visitors.
Q3. How do I connect to this WiFi service.
Step-by-step instructions can be found here: https://wesleymc.org/wmc-wifi
Q4. Can I connect to this WiFi service if I don’t have internet connection?
Yes, you can. During the WiFi service connection process, a 10-minute temporary internet access is provided to retrieve the OTP email.
Q5. I can see the wireless network, but unable to connect – what is wrong?
In the first instance, you can try:
- Removing (forgetting) the wireless network from your device WiFi settings
- Turning your WiFi off and on again
- Rebooting your device
Some smartphone roaming client apps may interfere with connectivity on our network – try uninstalling/deleting the app and rebooting your device before attempting to connect again.
Q6. The wireless network is not showing up on my phone – what can I do?
Please make sure that wireless is turned on in your device settings, it is possible that it has been turned off accidentally.
Try moving to another location and scanning again again. It is possible that your device is not discovering the network. If possible, try another device with WiFi.
Q7. I encountered a security message on my device – what can I do?
When connecting to a public WiFi service, some devices automatically increase their security settings to protect you, and display a warning message about unsecured networks.
It is essential that you take some basic steps to protect your device, whether you are using wireless or wired internet, or on a private or public network:
- Install and use anti-virus software and a firewall
- Make sure your device software and operating system is up-to-date
- Ensure your device is password protected
- Do not leave your device unattended in a public place
Q8. How do I disconnect from this WiFi service?
If you do not want your device to connect to Wesley WiFi, you can make your device forget the network WMC_WIFI. Go to your network settings to forget the network.